Poetry and Poststructuralism: An AI Powered Analysis


Poetry and Poststructuralism: An AI Powered Analysis

This blog is crafted in response to an assignment given by Dilip sir. The task involves generating an AI-based poem and providing study material on the theory of deconstruction or post-structuralism. The objective is to analyze the generated poem using these theoretical frameworks and then have ChatGPT perform a deconstruction of the poem.

Teacher's blog - Visit the article for background reading.
Poem 1: Intertextuality

In webs of words, the stories intertwine,
A dance of texts where echoes softly play,
Each line a thread that through the ages twine,
Old voices blend with new in bright array.

From Chaucer's tales to Joyce’s modern prose,
A dialogue across the bounds of time,
Each whispering what each other well-knows,
A symphony of thoughts in perfect rhyme.

Through layers deep, the meanings shift and grow,
A palimpsest of wisdom, pain, and joy,
Each text a mirror where reflections flow,
Old worlds reborn through every girl and boy.

In intertextual realms, we weave and read,
The endless dance of thoughts our minds will feed.

Analysis with Three Step Model of Peter Barry  : 

Verbal Stage:

At the verbal level, the deconstructive process involves examining paradoxes and contradictions within individual lines or phrases. In Poem  "Intertextuality," consider the line, "Old voices blend with new in bright array." This phrase suggests a harmonious blending of past and present, yet it inherently contradicts the concept of distinct voices having unique temporal and contextual origins. The use of "blend" implies a seamless integration, which may mask the inherent tensions and divergences between old and new texts. 

Additionally, the phrase "bright array" connotes clarity and order, which stands in contrast to the complex, often chaotic nature of intertextual connections where meanings and interpretations are fluid and multifaceted. Another example is the phrase "A symphony of thoughts in perfect rhyme." While "symphony" and "perfect rhyme" suggest harmony and cohesion, the reality of intertextuality is more likely to be marked by dissonance and conflicting interpretations. This inherent contradiction underscores the slipperiness and unreliability of language.

Textual Stage:

At the textual stage, we look for shifts or breaks in continuity, the poem's viewpoint shifts subtly from a focus on historical texts in the first stanza to a broader meditation on the nature of intertextuality itself in the second and third stanzas. The first stanza specifically mentions "Chaucer's tales" and "Joyce’s modern prose," grounding the poem in recognizable literary references.

 However, by the second stanza, the poem shifts to a more abstract reflection on the collective "dialogue across the bounds of time," and then further to a generalized notion of "layers deep" in the third stanza. This shift from specific examples to abstract concepts indicates a lack of a fixed and unified position, making it difficult to ground the poem’s meaning in any single context. Additionally, the poem moves from concrete imagery in the first stanza to metaphorical language in the latter stanzas, suggesting a fluid and unstable textual structure.

Linguistic Stage : 

The linguistic stage involves examining moments where the poem calls into question the adequacy of language as a medium of communication. The entire poem hinges on the concept of language creating connections across time and space. However, the act of describing these connections inevitably highlights the limitations of language. The line, "Through layers deep, the meanings shift and grow," acknowledges the mutable nature of meaning, suggesting that any attempt to pin down a definitive interpretation is inherently flawed.

 Furthermore, the poem itself becomes an example of intertextuality, drawing on the reader’s knowledge of Chaucer and Joyce to create its meaning, thus demonstrating the impossibility of language existing in isolation. This is evident in the final line, "The endless dance of thoughts our minds will feed," which suggests that language perpetually generates new meanings and interpretations, never fully capturing a single, stable truth.

Deconstructive Reading Conclusion : 

By applying the deconstructive process to "Intertextuality," we uncover the poem’s inherent contradictions and instabilities. The verbal stage reveals paradoxes in the harmonious blending of old and new voices, and the perfect rhyme of thoughts, highlighting the unreliability of language. The textual stage shows shifts in perspective and abstraction, indicating a lack of a fixed viewpoint. The linguistic stage underscores the limitations of language in capturing stable meanings, as the poem itself exemplifies the fluidity of intertextual connections.

My obsevation on the poem : 

  • ChatGPT is able to create the poem. It followed the stored data in it , however the deepnesss within the poem is lacking.
  • Another argument could be that still thare is the colonial mindset in the makers of the app. 
  • This could be find in the giving the examples from only Chaucer to Joyce. There is no examples of oral literature or sanskrti  literature Kalidas and it only talks about modern time. There should be reference to the post modernist writer.
  • So the Eurocentric idea of only Western countries as the stream of knowledge is also reflected here. 
  • More generally ChatGPT  provides the new criticism in with the using the semiotics or words from the deconstruction.

Analysis According to Article (Click Here to Read Article)

This analysis is based on the book of Catherine Belsey's "Post structuralism A Very Short Introduction". 

Simplified Analysis Using Deconstructive Jargon:

1. Primacy of the Signifier:

 The poem relies on signifiers such as "webs of words," "stories intertwine," and "echoes softly play" to create meaning through their interrelation rather than direct representation.

2. Parallels and Connections:
It connects literary works from different eras ("Chaucer's tales to Joyce’s modern prose"), illustrating a continuum of storytelling and cultural dialogue.

3. Nature of the Signifiers:
Words like "symphony of thoughts," "palimpsest," and "reflections flow" evoke imagery and metaphorical depth, emphasizing symbolic rather than literal meanings.

4. Effect of Language Choices:
Phrases like "meanings shift and grow" and "reflections flow" underscore the dynamic and ever-changing nature of interpretation and understanding.

5.Challenge to Traditional Hierarchies:
  • "A dance of texts where echoes softly play" and "Each whispering what each other well-knows" suggest that texts communicate with each other across time. This implies that no single author holds ultimate authority over meaning; instead, meaning is co-created through an ongoing dialogue between texts and readers.
    • "Each text a mirror where reflections flow, / Old worlds reborn through every girl and boy" emphasizes the reader's role in bringing texts to life. This challenges the traditional hierarchy that positions the author as the primary creator of meaning.
    • The poem places Chaucer and Joyce on equal footing: "From Chaucer's tales to Joyce’s modern prose, / A dialogue across the bounds of time." This challenges the hierarchy that often values classical literature over modern works or vice versa.

    Main Meaning of the Poem:

    Celebrates the richness of literary tradition and the continuous dialogue between past and present texts, highlighting the transformative power of storytelling and intertextuality.

    Poem 2: Hypertext Journey

    In webs of links, where stories intertwine,
    A labyrinth of paths we choose to tread,
    Each click a step, new worlds within our mind,
    Where digital ink by unseen hands is spread.

    Through nodes of thought, the narrative expands,
    A tapestry of texts, both old and new,
    The reader's touch, a map of shifting sands,
    Each thread a clue, each link a deeper view.

    No linear path, but branches wide and far,
    A journey shaped by curiosity,
    In hypertext, each reader is the star,
    A co-creator of this vast marquee.

    In coded realms, where words and pixels blend,
    A boundless tale, where we and stories blend.

    Let's apply the three stages of the deconstructive process to the poem "Hypertext Journey" 

     Verbal Stage : 

    In the verbal stage, we look for paradoxes and contradictions within the text, focusing on the purely verbal level.

    Paradox of Choice and Unity:

     The poem begins with the phrase "In webs of links, where stories intertwine," which suggests a complex network of interconnected narratives. However, the idea of "intertwine" also implies a unity or cohesion, despite the multiplicity of paths ("labyrinth of paths"). This juxtaposition hints at both unity and fragmentation within the digital realm.

    Contradiction of Control: 

    The line "A journey shaped by curiosity," suggests agency and control over one's path in the hypertextual world. Yet, the phrase "No linear path, but branches wide and far," introduces a contradiction, implying both choice (non-linearity) and lack of control (unpredictable branches).

    Paradox of Creation:
     The poem states, "A co-creator of this vast marquee," emphasizing the reader's role in creating meaning within hypertext. However, the term "co-creator" also suggests a dependency on existing texts and narratives, raising questions about originality versus reinterpretation.

    Language and Digital Blending: 

    The poem blends words like "coded realms," "words," and "pixels," blurring the distinction between linguistic and visual elements. This fusion challenges traditional boundaries between text and image, questioning the adequacy of language alone in digital environments.

    Textual Stage : 

    In the textual stage, we examine shifts or breaks in continuity, revealing instabilities of attitude or perspective throughout the poem.

    Shifts in Perspective: The poem transitions from describing the interconnectedness of stories ("webs of links") to emphasizing individual exploration ("A journey shaped by curiosity"). This shift from collective to individual perspective indicates varying attitudes towards digital engagement.

    Temporal and Spatial Discontinuity:

     While the poem suggests a non-linear journey ("No linear path"), it also acknowledges the expansive nature of hypertext ("branches wide and far"). These shifts in temporal and spatial references destabilize a fixed narrative, reflecting the dynamic nature of digital narratives.

    Tonal Variations: 

    The poem's tone shifts between descriptive ("A tapestry of texts") and directive ("Each click a step"), reflecting the dual roles of observer and participant inherent in hypertextual navigation.

    Linguistic Stage : 

    In the linguistic stage, we explore moments where language itself calls into question its ability to communicate effectively.

    Meta-Commentary on Textual Creation:

     The phrase "Where digital ink by unseen hands is spread" acknowledges the virtual nature of digital text creation. This meta-awareness of text production hints at a self-referential critique of language's ability to convey meaning authentically.

    Unsayability and Representation:

     The poem's use of terms like "labyrinth," "nodes of thought," and "tapestry of texts" suggests an attempt to articulate complex digital structures. However, these metaphors also imply a struggle to fully encapsulate the immersive and expansive nature of hypertext.

    Language as Construction:

     By describing hypertext as "A boundless tale, where we and stories blend," the poem highlights language's role in constructing virtual realities. This acknowledgment underscores the poem's awareness of language's capacity to both create and distort meaning.


    Through the application of the three deconstructive stages—verbal, textual, and linguistic—we uncover complexities within "Hypertext Journey" that challenge traditional notions of narrative coherence and textual stability. The poem invites readers to consider the fluidity of digital environments, where language shapes and is shaped by interactive storytelling. By examining paradoxes, shifts in perspective, and language's limitations, we reveal how the poem reflects broader cultural anxieties and possibilities associated with digital communication and creativity.

    My Obsevation on this Poem : 

    • ChatGPT creates a wonderful poem based on this topic because the data is available in abundance.
    • This poem clearly captures the zeitgest of the titile and theme.
    • Moreover in the analysis it is better than above provides various examples from the poem to support the argument.
    • In particularly this poem it ables to break the binary by providing the exmple of Apparition and mysterious character of didgital space, which may be as a normal reader I could not find it out. This is provided by the GPT.
    • Most probably like above using the terminology of the deconstruction provides the new criticism of the poem. 
    • While doing the task I have observed that my understanding of the deconstruction deepen. The more specific information and question you ask the specific answer you will get back.
    • So finding the gap between the asking of question and what I need as answer also overcomed by this process.
    • The context is most important as Derrida often emphasised for making a meaning similarly for understanding of the poem. 
    • The information feeding is prime stage in the asking of analysis. The better you provide information and context the better response will get from it. 

    Deconstructive Analysis based on the article. This analysis is based on the book of Catherine Belsey's "Post structuralism A Very Short Introduction". 

    Primacy of the Signifier:

    1. Signifiers in the Poem: 

    The poem employs signifiers such as "webs of links," "paths," "new worlds," "digital ink," "nodes of thought," "tapestry of texts," and "coded realms." These signifiers create meaning not just through their literal definitions but through their relational and associative connections within the poem.

    2. Nature of Signifiers: 

    Each signifier evokes imagery and concepts beyond their literal meanings. For instance, "webs of links" suggests interconnectedness and complexity, while "digital ink" implies the creation and dissemination of digital content.

     Parallels and Connections:

    1. Visual and Conceptual Connections:

     The poem connects the idea of "webs of links" with "a labyrinth of paths," highlighting both visual and conceptual similarities between digital networks and intricate pathways of exploration.

    2. Association of Ideas:

    It emphasizes the contrast between traditional linear narratives and the non-linear, exploratory nature of hypertext, where "each click a step" suggests progression through interconnected digital content.

    Nature of the Signifiers:

    1. Evoke Mental Images:

    The poem's signifiers evoke mental images that transcend their literal meanings, focusing on the conceptual implications of digital spaces and the act of exploration through hypertext.

    2. Association and Differentiation:

     It relies on the association between "branches wide and far" and "curiosity" to underline the expansive and unpredictable nature of digital storytelling. This contrasts with traditional linear narratives, emphasizing a shift towards interactive and non-linear reading experiences.

    Effect of the Word "Apparition":

    1. Ethereal Nature:

     While not explicitly using the word "apparition," the poem's imagery of "new worlds within our mind" and "branches wide and far" suggests a ghostly, ephemeral quality inherent in digital spaces. This enhances the poem's exploration of the intangible and transient nature of virtual environments.

    The Semiotic:

    1. Musical and Rhythmic Elements:

     Similar to Kristeva's concept of the semiotic, the poem incorporates rhythmic language ("labyrinth of paths," "tapestry of texts") that evokes sensory experiences beyond literal interpretation, enhancing the aesthetic and immersive qualities of reading in digital environments.

    3. Challenge to Traditional Hierarchies:

     By emphasizing the reader as a co-creator in digital storytelling, the poem challenges hierarchical structures of authorship and interpretation, promoting a more collaborative approach to meaning-making.

    4. Role of the Reader: 

     The poem underscores the reader's agency in shaping meaning through interaction with hypertext, highlighting the participatory nature of digital narratives.

    5. Linguistic Play : 

    Through its use of metaphor ("coded realms," "digital ink") and imagery, the poem explores the aesthetic and linguistic possibilities inherent in digital literature, emphasizing the creative potential of language in virtual environments.

    6. Undermining Binary Oppositions:

     It questions binary distinctions such as linear vs. non-linear narratives, physical vs. virtual spaces, and author vs. reader, suggesting a more fluid and interconnected relationship between these concepts.


    This poem offers a deconstructive exploration of digital storytelling and hypertextuality. By analyzing its signifiers, connections, and implications, we uncover its layered meanings and the dynamic relationship between language, digital media, and reader engagement. The poem challenges traditional literary structures and hierarchies, advocating for a more inclusive and interactive approach to narrative construction and interpretation in the digital age.

    Thank you. 

    All images are generated by Microsoft Copilot.
    References : 

    Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory, 3/E. Viva Books Private Limited, 2010.

    Barad, Dilip, Deconstructive Analysis of Ezra Pound's 'In a Station of the Metro' and William Carlos Williams's 'The Red Wheelbarrow', Researchgate.net, Accessed 4 July 2024. 

    Belsey, Catherine. Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). OUP Oxford, 2002.

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