Indian Poetics and Aesthetics

 Indian Poetics and Aesthetics 

This blog is the part of thinking activity task of Indian Poetics. 

In ancient time in India literary criticism main works were in Sanskrit. It is also called Sahityasastra, Alamkarshastra, Kavyashstra,  and Kavyamimansa. Poetry's main purpose is to attain pleasure from Rasanubhuti. 

Indian poetics is the ancient poetics especially sanskrit poetics. Every literature has roots and beginnings so as Sanskrit literature. Sanskrit literature and poetics worked hand in hand eastablished various theory of poetics. Rasa, Vakrokti, Alamkara, Auchitya, Riti etc. are branches of Indian poetics. Inadian poetics provides deeper understanding-तलावगाहन for literature.

Language is vocal symbol and experience based interpretations are limited. So, criticism makes vision broder in evaluating work of art.  Basically there is classification of Indian Poetics. It is devided in below catagories. 

1. Rasa theory by Bharata
Indian Poetics Blog( Visit this link)
2. Dhvani theory by Anandvardhan
3. Vakrokti theory by Kuntaka
4. Alamkara by Bhamaha
5. Riti by Vaman
6.Auchitya by Kshemendra

Dhavni Theory by Anandvardhna


 The Dhvani Theory found its first systematic expression in Ānandvardhan's 'Dhvanyāloka'. For simple understanding Dhvani is voice which helps us to complete a word; ક્ + અ = ક here અ is Dhvani which completes ક્. It is basically a branch of linguistic. For example this sentence has different meaning if we emphsized upon different words.

 તમારી લાલ પેન્સીલ મને આપો. 
Your pencil, red pencil, give, and give it to me. This all interpretations can be possible while doing this practice. Possibilty of multiple interpretations based on pronounciation, syllable, placing of words etc.
Chainese and Japanize languages are more symbolic in this sense. So Dhavni is, 

विभाजित लावण्यम् इव अंगनाशु ।।

Dhvani adorns poetry and beauty adorns women. Dhavni is made of Varna-alphabet and makes Artha. It leads to arthasphota, while we are speaking work "tree" there is arthsphota and one recognizes the tree. 

ધ્વનિ એટલે પ્રતીયમાન અર્થ..

Getting new meanings through the same words is Dhvani- apparent meanings. That is the soul of poetry. Morover, it is symbolic.

Acarya Mammata devides Dhavni in three parts.

शक्तिःकावितवबीजरूपे संस्कारविशेसप्राप्ते याम्विना काव्य न प्रसरित ।

In Raghuvansh Kalidas compared Shabda and Artha to Shiva-Parvti. It is united in that sense.

वागर्थाविव सम्पृक्तौ वागर्थप्रतिपत्तये ।

जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरौ ॥

Dhavni is coding and Artha is decoding. Meanings are imposed on words. Idioms are also example of Dhavni. 

તું અજાણી ભાષા, તારો સમજુ કેવળ સાદ,

  પછી રૂદયમાં સંગોપીને કરું સહજ અનુવાદ.

अभिधा (Abhidha) - Literal Meaning of the word
लक्षणा (Lakshana) - Characteristically Meaning of the word

व्यंजना (Vyanjana) - Poetic & Metaphysical Meaning of the word

When words and meanings are competing with each other reaches to its zenith at that time Rasa Dhavni is experienced. The gujrati poem "જૂનું ઘર ખાલી કરતા' and "સ્થિર થયેલા અહલ્યાના ધબકારા" are example of feeling the rasa dhavni. 

Vakrokti theory by Kuntaka

शब्‍दार्थौ सहितौ वक्र कवि व्‍यापारशालिनि।

बन्धे व्‍यवस्थितौ काव्‍यं तद्विदाह्लादकारिणी।।

Kuntaka in his book "VAkrokti-jivitam" emphasized extra wordly statement. Vakrokti means वैदग्ध्य भंगी भनिति. In a way it is born out of poetic proficiency. That means statements strikingly different from the Loka-varta [ordinary speech] named as it. It is connected with the theory of Aesthetics.

Examples of it.

"હું ચાહું છું સુંદર ચીજ સૃષ્ટિની,
અને જે અસુંદર કરી મુકું સુંદર ચાહી ચાહી."

વિનિપાત કૃતિ ધૂમકેતુની
"જેવા નાહ્યા પછીના નખ કૂણાં, સખી મારા સાજન એવા સલુણાં"
"કાગળો શે લખવા ? વેરાન આંગળીઓ તો રહીને છાણે પાદર વચાળ "
As T. S. Eloit highlights the importanced of leraned scholar for writing poetry or even reading poetry, similarly Kuntka told this. Only learned men can enjoy the real essence of the poetry.

Vakrokti can be divided in six categories:

વર્ણવિન્યાસ- the phonetic level:

Repetation of varna and music in it.
नव कंज लोचन कंज मुखकर कंज पद कन्जारुणम ।

પદપૂર્વાર્ધ- the lexical level: 

હરિવર મુજને હરિ ગયો મેં તો કઈ હેત કીધું નોતું 
કામિની કોકિલા કેલી કૂજન કરે 
તને ખોટું ના લાગે તો એક વાત કહું, આજથી તારામાં હું રોજ રોજ રહું.

All this examples reflecting the lexical level. 

પદપરાર્ધ- the grammatical level:

The whole statement is depended on first letter

વાક્યવક્રતા- the sentential level: 

A miraculous or enchanting description of an object  

"To be or not to be, that is the question."
"સંપ ત્યાં જંપ"
"You too Brutus ! "

પ્રકરણ- the contextual level: 

Taking a part of any literary art or legend and enlargement of it by poet’s own interpretation.
Antony's speech in Julier Caesar, Chakdol prasang in  Malela Jiv, Viti Abhignan in Abhijnan Shankuntalm are examples of it. If we remove this then whole work would be meaningless. 

પ્રબંધ- the compositional level : 

One linear meaning of a whole text or any literary art. 
1. Ramayan- સદબુદ્ધિ અને લોકકલ્યાણ 
2.મહાભારત- દુઃખ સનાતન સત્ય 
3.હિતોપદેશ અને પંચતંત્ર ની વાર્તા
4.વેવિશાળ- માર્ટા મુખે પ્રતીક્ષા નું પાણી 

Alamkara by Bhamaha :


 Almkara is literally means ornaments. In literature figures of speech is used or metaphor for making language more attractive. Bhamaha said that Almkara is imposed in the Kavya, if it reveles as Almkara then  poet failed there. 

There must be melting use of Almkara so that it is not identified and gives plesure. In Sahityadarpna Vishvnath considered 96 Almkaras. 

    Upama or Simile: 

    Upama is a type of Alankara that involves comparing two different things to create a similarity between them. For example, “She was as beautiful as a rose” is a simile that compares a woman’s beauty to that of a rose. 

    Rupaka or Metaphor: 

    Rupaka is a type of Alankara that involves the use of a word or phrase to represent something else that it is not literally applicable to. For example, “He was a lion on the battlefield” is a metaphor that represents a person’s bravery and strength as that of a lion. 

    Atishayokti or Epithet: 

    Atishayokti is a type of Alankara that involves the use of a descriptive word or phrase to enhance the effect of a statement. For example, “The Great Wall of China” is an epithet used to describe the massive and magnificent wall built in China.

    Anuprasa or Alliteration: 

    Anuprasa is a type of Alankara that involves the repetition of the same sound or letter at the beginning of consecutive words. For example, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” is an example of alliteration.

    Vakrokti or Irony: 

    Vakrokti is a type of Alankara that involves saying something but meaning something else. Irony is the most common type of Vakrokti. For example, “Oh, what fine weather we are having today” said sarcastically on a rainy day.

    Dwani or Suggestion:

    Dwani is a type of Alankara that involves suggesting a meaning through the use of words or phrases. It involves conveying a message or idea that is not explicitly stated in the text. For example, “The silence in the room was deafening” suggests the intensity of the silence in the room.

                  Riti by Vamana :

                  'रीतिरात्मा काव्यस्य; विशिष्टापदरचना रीति: |'

                  Riti means style. Kavyalankasutra is the poetic work of Acharya Vamana, where he talks about riti. For Vamana, that formless, indeterminate essence of Kavya is Riti.Vamana said; the essence of Kavya is Riti (रीतिरात्मा काव्यस्य); just as every body has Atma, so does every Kavya has its Riti.

                  First pattern or style then it leads to writing style. Forms dictats the style, that means sonnet would be written in 14 lines or drama written in dailouge form. Kalidas is known for 'Vaidarbi Shaily.' other types of ritis are Panchali, Gaudi, Lati,Vaidarbhi etc.

                  Auchitya by Kshemendra

                  Kshemendra in Kavikanthabharana introduces to auchitya school. It means justification, propriety, decency

                  उचितं प्राहुराचार्याः सदृशं किल यस्य यत्।
                  उचितस्य च यो भावस्तदौचित्यं प्रचक्षते॥

                  He said Auchitya is the life of Kavya (Kavyasya jivitam) that is endowed with Rasa (Aucityam rasa siddhasya sthiram kavyasya jivitam).

                  The most essential element of Rasa , he said, is Auchitya. The test of Auchitya is the harmony between the expressed sounds and the suggested Rasa. And , he described Auchitya as that laudable virtue (Guna) which embalms the poetry with delight.

                  According to Kshemendra, “When one thing befits another or matches perfectly, it is said to be appropriate, Auchitya”. 

                  This is my understanding of the Indian Poetics. I hope this blog helps you. 

                  Thank You.

                  references : 

                  Blogger, 9 November 2017, Accessed 8 March 2024.

                  Blogger, Accessed 8 March 2024.

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