Monday, July 15, 2024

Black Movie Review

Black: A Story of Darkness and Light  

Hello everyone....

 This blog is based on screening of the Movie  "Black" which was released in 2005 by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, this movie screening was organised  in a context of the most famous pre-independent Indian writer R.K.Narayan's Short story Crime and Punishment.. 

 About the movie :- 
Movie :- "Black" Released in 2005 
Director :- Sanjay leela Bhansali In 2003, Bhansali announced the production of his new project, Black. 

Its idea first came up when he met several physically disabled children while shooting Khamoshi: The Musical in the 1990s. The story was inspired by the activist Helen Keller's life and her 1903 autobiography, The Story of My Life.

 "Knowledge means everything, it’s a art of wisdom, it’s a obsession and above all Knowledge means my teacher. "- Micheal 

Black: A Story of Darkness and Light : 

Black is a movie about Michelle, a girl who can’t see or hear anything. Living in a world of complete silence and darkness, she is filled with anger and frustration. Her parents, unable to cope with her disability, treat her harshly. Michelle’s condition. Michelle McNally is described as a deaf-blind girl. Michelle is a girl who lost her sight and hearing after recovering from an illness at the age of two. He grew up with limited ability to see, hear, and communicate, so he became an abusive childhood and couldn't control himself.

Everything changes when Mr. Debraj, a strict but caring teacher, enters Michelle’s life. Using unique methods, he teaches her to communicate through touch, turning her world from a void into a place filled with understanding. Slowly, Michelle starts to learn, to feel, and to hope.

Mr. Debraj becomes more than just a teacher; he's a mentor and a friend. He encourages Michelle to dream big and helps her to overcome challenges. They share a special bond as she learns to read, write, and even paint.

However, life isn’t always easy. Mr. Debraj grows old and falls ill, and Michelle, in turn, becomes his caregiver. This reversal of roles highlights the depth of their relationship.Despite facing numerous obstacles, Michelle perseveres. Her journey is a testament to the human spirit's incredible strength and the power of education to transform lives.

Black is a story about hope, courage, and the unbreakable bond between a teacher and a student.

This frame shows the Debraj's lost life within the words. The lighting and the window symbolize the only hope as Micheal is going to arrive at the place. 

In the learning process, Michelle was accompanied by a teacher. Mr. Sahai is the image of an ideal teacher that this film provides. The ideal teacher is a teacher who always tries to explore their potential. What is in their students even though they have to sacrifice many things. 

As a teacher, he teaches not because of the lure of welfare but because of his awareness of the meaning of devotion. The teacher is a lamp to his students. He gave enlightenment and new hope even though he had to suffer.  Even though  it's  difficult,  Mr.  Sahai  fights  with all  his  might  to  make Michelle more human so that she is not treated as a lunatic or an animal anymore. He believes in this world nothing is impossible. 

All things can happen even in hopeless moments because he knows everything is within his grasp. He believes that miracles will always exist and are formed from a combination of hope and hard work.  

This frame captures the teacher and the student in opposite manner. Micheal is in the black colour whereas Debraj is in white colour. The colour contrast reflects the role reverse of teaching learning process.

This frame captures the final graduation of Micheal after a years of hardwork. She first wants to show it her teacher and she did. 

 Thank You.

Images : 7 

Words : 1024

References : 

Analysis of Human Struggle in the Black Movie.

“Black – a Lesson to Learn Life!!!!!” Filmi Duniya, 26 July 2007,

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