Flipped Learning : Derrida and Deconstruction

 Flipped Learning : Derrida and Deconstruction

This blog is part of flipped learninh task based on Derrida and Deconstruction. In this blog the questions are answered after watching videos. First let us understand the meaning of flipped learning. 

Flipped Learning Task { For overview of assigned task }

Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group pace is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.

Video 1: Defining Deconstruction

1.1.  Why is it difficult to define Deconstruction?

Deconstruction is complex philosophical theory and it denied the one static meaning or defination perhaps that makes it difficult.

1.2.Is Deconstruction a negative term?

It seems negative while interpreting it in literal meaning. However, Deconstruction is neither positive nor nagetive but somewhere depends on the individual's perception. Most critic consider it in a positive term.

1.3. How does Deconstruction happen on its own?

It is the reaction against the structralism who looks everything in the binary opposition or in the context of one. It is the limit of structuralidt which paved way for Deconstruction. Moreover, Deconstructionist challeng the idea od binary opposition and very structure.

Video 2: Heideggar and Derrida

2.1.  The influence of Heidegger on Derrida

Heidegger was German Philosopher with his remarkable work "Being and Time" 1927 destroyed the entire western tradition of philosophy. In this work he criticise the idea of being of beings. This influenced Derrida.

2.2. Derridean rethinking of the foundations of Western philosophy.

Derrida with the influence of Heidegger develop the idea of Phonocentricism and logocentricism. He said that in the history of criticism the importance of phonocentricism means speech over logocentriism means writing.

2.3.Ferdinand de Saussureian concept of language (that meaning is arbitrary, relational, constitutive)

Ferdinand de Saussure talks about three kinds of meaning of language. First one is arbitrary means it given by. For example tree is just an object but the name tree is provided to it. Similarly swing is an object and the name swing is given it. The mutual agreement is decided to provide a meaning and that is circulated as well.

In addition, second thing is meaning is relational. One might be understood in the relation to other. For example good is what bad is not and vice versa. Another example is male and female. The characteristic of female is what male is not.

Video 3: Saussurean and Derrida

3.1. How Derrida deconstructs the idea of arbitrariness?

Derrida talks about the idea of arbitrariness of meaning. In the work Structure, Sign and Play he talks understanding presence in the absence. That means structruralist's idea of binary opposition put one side as having the presence which leads to superiority and other side in inferiority.

3.2. Concept of metaphysics of presence

Metaphysics of presence means having presence of certain thing in the one side. For example having knowledge, male sex organ ultimately power privilege. On the other side doesn't have the privilege which may find it inferior.

Video 4: DifferAnce

4.1. Derridean concept of DifferAnce 

Differance here means force or delay. While board is word which in the dictionary means slat, panel, beam etc. Now this signs are referring to more signs altogether this delay in the meaning is what Derrida defines as Difference.

4.2. Infinite play of meaning

As we have discussed above the signifiers leads to other signifier anf not the ultimate meaning. That means there is infinite paly of meaning which leads to nowhere and at the end it becomes meaningless. Another example could be duster which can be the object to erase the board or the car. Board and car leads to another signifiers.

4.3. DIfferAnce = to differ + to defer

First differ is the dissimilarity of the object. For example difference of opinion or black is what white not. Additionally, Defer means to postpone or put off. While reaching at the meaning of one object we leads to that other signs which create in the reaching at the meaning.

Video 5: Structure, Sign and Play

5.1 Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences

This is the foundational work of deconstruction. Derrida presented a paper at Yale University in which he does critique of his work Structuralist Anthropology. This works provide numbers of arguments such as role of speech, writing, and language etc.

5.2. Explain: "Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique."

Derrida in this quote argues that critics in order to do criticism of the tradition used same methods. For example if the critics criticised the scientific method of interpreting a work then they used same method and makes the process meaningless. Especially in the Deconstruction while providing the interpretation of the work they themselves critique the meaning.

Video 6: Yale School

 6.1. The Yale School: the hub of the practitioners of Deconstruction in the literary theories

The Yale School is the hub of Deconstruction from where the seeds of it grow. The practitioners included Paul de Man, Harold Bloom, J.Hiller Miller, Geoffrey Hartman. They also known as Yale Hermanutic mafia.

 6.2.The characteristics of the Yale School of Deconstruction

They focus on multiplicity of meaning.
Question historical and aesthetic approach of reading literature.
They occupied with Romanticism

Video 7: Other Schools and Deconstruction

7. How other schools like New Historicism, Cultural Materialism, Feminism, Marxism and Postcolonial theorists used Deconstruction?

Deconstruction provides basic idea of questioning the structure this revolutionary idea in various way influenced branches of theory. History was written in certain form rather in text format and text has history so the question in this system raised. In the Cultural materialism with the deconstructionist viewpoint they question the materiality within the society anf of language. The construction of patriarchy was challenged by Feminist on the basis of binary opposition. Lastly, Postcolonialist question the power structure and hegemony within the structure. All this braches provide multiple interpretation based in the inferiority and marginalization.

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