Monday, March 13, 2023

Experience of being Volunteer in Sports Day


           On March 11, 2023,we had participated as volunteer At Smt.A.R. Sutariya Nursery School, affiliated with SPEI. We were reach there at 4 o'clock before time. As we have to wait for one and half hours. 

They had provided us various duties related games. Like putting things or taking and arranging at place. All we were showed unity there. We devided our works. Jay and Aakash alloted work of taking care of students. We arranged chairs and baskets. 

         The vision behind games was developed regular habits like packing begs, drying clothes, get ready for school, arrange glasses and other games like sack run, tri leg race, musical chair. I found very weird game in girls that they have to wear makeup and other accessories why they want that girls should learn such things.. 

There was games for parents also. In that they have to show presences of mind and also students learn to belencing things. New things was that some of the students speaking in English. 

          We learnt to deal with small students especially when they were high in number. At the end we also played musical chair. We had lots of fun with that small children. Even Vidhya Mam and principal of nursery school paid great attention to us and thanked us.


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