Heart of Darkness by Josheph Conrad


Heart of Darkness

             Hey everyone today's my blog is based on thinking Activity task. In which I am going to attend some questions and trying to reflect my point of view.

So very first question is.....

1. What is significance of the title "Heart Of Darkness" ?

Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness uses metaphor to explore the impact of imperialism on the people of Europe and Africa. Darkness, the Congo River, and the painting of the woman are metaphors that work together to bolster Conrad's argument against imperialism.

                 The perticular title reflect a picture of African's native people's lifestyle's dark side, how they were live in that land and also how European people try to rule their life. By this Conrad not just reflecting African slevers but the whole slever's tribe.

               Conrad purpose was to take readers into the world of imperialism, with the help of the characters including Kurtz and Marlow. So in short the title Heart Of Darkness reflects darkness becomes a symbol of hatred, fear and symbol of the power of evil.

2. What are the major themes of Heart         Of Darkness?

*  Alienation and Loneliness

*  Deception

* Order and Disorder 

* Sanity and Insanity

* Duty and Responsibility

* Doubt and Ambiguity

* Racism

* Violence and Cruelty

* Moral Corruption

* Colonialism

3. What does Kurtz say to Marlow before his death?


The horror! The horror!" (3.43). 

Marlow interprets this by, saying that these words are the moment Kurtz realizes exactly how depraved human nature is—that his inability to exert even a shred of self-control is the same darkness in every human heart.

4.What is your understanding of novel        Heart of Darkness ?

         To the four other man on dack of Nellie, which is situated in the Thems Marlow started telling a incident which was held with him previous year back. He started to tell a story that how her aunt played a major role for his this job and he was an employee of Europe's company and also working for irony trending. While he was working in the ship he has to took break cause of ship wasn't able to run longer.

          While this he heard so many things and storys of Kurtz and for that he wanted to meet Kurtz they are reached at outer station and then there were one manager who ask him for money and after that they reached at inner station while entering into it they faces so many trouble by their native people's who don't want that Kurtz will go anywhere because for that native peoples Kurtz was their god.

          Kurtz was a man who has strength to kill more than 10 elephant at the time and that is why he was famous in all over Africa. Their native people think Marlow was come there to took Kurtz back and that is why they have atteked on Marlow and he comes know this thing from one of the Russians trader.


            Russian trader also informed Marlow that Kurtz told to atteked on the ship . Marlow was meeting Kurtz who was in stretcher and he convinced him to go back with them all the native peoples started reflecting their disagreement. But some how Kurtz had gone with the Marlow and in the middle of the journey he took his last breath and was giving important documents to Marlow and said his last words..."The Horror ! The Horror !" .

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