

This blog is part of Flipped learning-bridge course on Existentialism. 

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Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group pace is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter. (Flipped Learning Network (FLN))

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For detailed information of bridge couurse visit teacher's blog  : Existentialism: Video Resources

Thoughts that I like the most : 

Video 1

In the first video I am impressed by this thoughts.
Individuality, passion, and freedom are three side of the triangle. Among them our idea of existance is lied.

Video 2

In the second video I am impressed by these thoughts.

Basically the idea of existentilaist is meaninglessness of life and for being free from this cyclic nature one must do physical or philosophical suicide. However, Camus argues that it is the not only way.

When you #think, then you find #absurdity. Thinking is the basic thing.

Second thought is about three belief. Absence of hope, rejection, and conscious dissatisfaction all these three lead to philosophical death.

Video 3

In the third video I am impressed by this thoughts.

Like suicide God changes with the man. 

There are many ways of leaping. The essential being to leap. 

Video 4

In the forth video I am impressed by this thoughts.

Dadaism is the movement that questioned the value whereas, Existentialism is making you aware who you are. 

Nietzsche considered Dadists creators more than lawbreakers.

Video 5

In the fifth video I am impressed by this thoughts.

Choice is everything. One should do chice of their own. It's not completing their all the responsibilty and consequences connected with one's choice also taken by oneself.

Existentialism is response to emptiness. The absurd is rebelion for the time.

Video 6

In the sixth video I am impressed by this thoughts.

Nihilism is the loss of individuality. It is hard to escape the temptation of suicide. Positivity is the only way. Existentialism is all about making the meanings in the life. 

Video 7

In the seventh video I am impressed by this thoughts.

The idea of Human condition, why I am here ? what does it mean to be human ? how should I live my life ? all this questions lead to absurdity. It rejects all encompassing systems. 

Another thought is we need human perspective to look at human condition not divine perspective. 

Nietzsche's idea od becoming Who you are- creating meanings, purpose, and value for one's self. 

Video 8

In the eighth video I am impressed by this thoughts.

It is most intresting video for me, teaching KG students about the idea of existantialism and Nietzsche is Hurculean effort.  Individuality is at the centre and that ctrates space for choice. Nietzsche's Ubermensch or overman idea is based upon autonomy of making decision. 

Video 9

In the ninth video I am impressed by this thoughts.

This video is quite intresting.
Existentialism helps people to understand surroundings in a better way. It provides serious inttlectual as well as acceptance. 

Existentialism is about honesty to look at the absurdity and accept it. Morover by defualt one learn rebalious way of thinking.  

I like this the most because it is applicable.
Top 10 Things You can do to Live more Existentially

#10: Question what you've been told 
#9: _Start relating to the big picture
#8: Honor life's difficult experiences
#7: Lay claim to your power in life
#6: See how free you can be 
# 5: Learn to live with passion
 #4: Inhabit the present moment
 #3: Recover the ability to play
# 2: Build responsible community
#1: Remember that you're born to a brilliant and terrifying universe...

Video 10

In the tenth video I am impressed by this thoughts.

Learning outcome : 

With this activity my understanding of Existentialism has increased or is there clarity about this philosophy in my mind.

As in the traditinal classroom environmrnt different and diverse areas could not be covered. By watching this videos and reading the resourses my thinkiing became clear about the area. With the help of visuals the concept is better understood. The main figures of the movements also stored in the mind with their images. I got the deeper knowledge of the concept and multiple connected movements as well like Nihilism, Essencialism, dadism and their connection with it. 

Questions : 

1. In the video 2, the distinction is made between conscious dissatisfaction leading to philosophical suicide and immature unrest. How can one differentiate between the two?

2. In Video #3, they discussed whether failure reveals the existence of transcendence or the divine. Is it right to believe that there is something like the divine or a higher power? Nietzsche mentioned that absurdity is god, and the inability to understand becomes existence. Then, he is saying that nothing logically prepares the reasoning. What does he mean?

3. In Video-6, Hermann Hesse, in "Der Steppenwolf," talks about, "At twenty, we rage against the heavens and the filth they hide; then we grow tired of it. The tragic attitude suits only an extended and ridiculous puberty." What does it mean? Does it reveal that with time, we accept absurdity or nihilism?

4. In Video-7, Aristotle said that humans could choose to act in accordance with their nature. On the contrary, humans were not free to create a unique essence for themselves. Why? Some argue that essence is predetermined, and we have to act accordingly. On the other hand, some argue that it is developed by the individual. What is the right way?

5. In the Video 10, Why are they rejecting this, "Since there's no teleology, the world wasn't created for a reason, and it doesn't exist for a reason"? What could be the purpose of denying the reason?why there is nothing like reason, they are similarly denying justice, order, and rules. ? 

6. In the Video-10, What is Sartre's concept of painful freedom? He stated that freedom forces us to design our own moral code. Why did Sartre assert that we are condemned to be free?

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