Hey everyone, recently I have read a book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. We all are aware about its history, it is allegory or satire or fable or just a novel. There is a term in literature in which, we can interpret any work of art in anyway. This novel is actually a political allegory and based on 'Russian Revolution'. Though, I am going to interpret it with different present time's scenario.
While reading this novel, I was connected it with various incidents which happening in and around city, village, state, country or world. In the first incident of rebellion there was meeting. Old Major had a dream of rebellion against Mr. Jones. Old Major presents intellectual audience like Media, Reports, Scholars, Writers, Activists etc. Mr. Jones presents past rulling class.
Animals of Manor Farm present a people of present time such as they are not at all aware about their and society's condition. "They always found themselves in agreement with the one who speaking at the movement." Boxer presents lower class of society. Benjamin is representing a group of people who are aware about their condition but not ready to do anything. Muriel presents female class (there are exceptions) who are interested in outer look, apitite and convenience. Moses presents spoon person.
" We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies." All the lower class of society has relevant with it. They are earning for their day to day life. Even there is problematic situations such as inflation, poverty, dieces and starvation. " Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever."- Old Major. In present time, there are so many posts are vacant, but no one is ready to fill that post. Some people work on that post on private base, no one is ready to speak. Why they are not filling that posts? Of course, they pay less to employ, and ask for overwork.
"Never listen when they tell you that Man and animals have a common interest, it is all lies." As Karnataka election is going on, all the parties stand for comman people as #comman_man. Party leaders came with their cry for common interest which soon vanished after election. In rally, they spend lots of money to fool people and unfortunately people are believing in them.
'Beast of England' presents song of rights of commoners as constitutional awareness. Napoleon presents rulling class of society. Squealer presents a leders who have extraordinary ability to convince people no matter situation is wrost or not. Snowball also presents intellectual people. 'Ribbons' or any object connected with animals is like #uniform. At every level there is some kind of uniform connected with that institute. By covering in this uniform they make robots.
" Sudden uprising of creatures whom they were used to thrashing and maltreating. " Just like wrestlers, they choose to protest and throw away Mr. Jones( Brij Bihari). However, we are in Napoleon government so his #pigs must be safe. Freedom of Manor Farm is connected with idea of #utopia. "It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even niw they could hardly believe that it was all their own." Nearby every freedom fight is like that. No matter it's India's or any other country.
They used to make assembly in which animals can put their thoughts and do debet. Such as Man ki Bat and other things which have no value. Education of animals can connect with use of digital tools nowadays. Higher class and somehow middle class can compete with it. What about lower class? They can't afford it and that is why though they are literate treated as illiterate.
I recently watch short film of female journalist of Nagaland's smaller village. She was the only one who is ready to do it. She used to went 40 km everyday for her job in which she rises the cases of raps which was happened on Dalit women. She collected all the details that how they suppressed the cases just because they are 'Dalit'. She questions to police as well as other ministers so bravely. As always they don't have answers of suppressed cases.
" We pigs are brain workers. Day and night we are watching over your welfare." It is connected with again rulling class. Especially literate treated others like that. In seven commandments they decided that all animals are equal. In the constitution there is also such kind of rights( Article 21 & Article 15) but who cares. Sent out pigeons to spred rebellion is connected with free media.
In the novel, writer provide allusion of "Julius Caesar" which was used by Snowball. Hard seasons in the novel present climate change in present time as such we are going through heat wave. Windmill construction connected with building of flyover in Bhavnagar. The idea was proposed in 2009 and from 2020 it has been started constructing. With lots of money and labour still it is work in progress.
" Do not imagine, comrade, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility." This lines from Squealer have double standards. Soon after Snowball expulsion again the situation becomes a same. Squealer spreds rumours about other farms and Snowball as now days happening by the film 'Kerela story.' As per research only three women converted in Islam and after that joined ISIS. But in movie, they showed a number is 32,000.
"I will work harder, Napoleon is always right. " This slogan is like mob mentality. When animals started sleeping in the bad, it can be connected with elite class. Especially that people who are using such facelities and pretending that they don't want it but by their position they have to use it.
' Abolishment of Sunday meeting' Any animal who speaks against Napoleon and asking for some justification, they make them silent or simply ignore them. As "Adani" incident, in which there is not a single explanation for that. Blast of windmill connected with 'Noida twin tower demolition' there was lots of money and labour investment in it. Though due to illigal construction it was demolished by BMC.
" It has become usual to give Napoleon the credit for every successful achievement and every stroke of good fortune." Just like our some politician even Babas and businessmen too, people started giving them all credit. Reason is only that they have #power. "Thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!" Some spoon person of famous personalities uses statements which sound silly and comic. Even some leader don't have ability to speak, just like some politician who become then topic of memes.
Second bettle of animal farm presents "Caste roit" which happens in and around. " When a pig and any other animal met on the path, the other animal must be stand aside." Caste based discrimination is still going on. People nowadays too wash glass after giving them a water. Additionally, " the fluttering of the flag, they were able to forget that their bellies were empty." When politician came on stage they don't talk about changes and divert people to be jingoist person or god devote. People are blind that they believed in it.
Boxer's death is connected as death of real rebellions who are ready to work but not acknowledged by anyone. The interment of him presenting grave of labour, trust and expectations of common people towards rulling party. Squealer told them that the pigs had enormous labour everyday upon mysterious things called 'files, reports and memoranda.' Making of budget, three years plan, fiver years plan etc of rulling class. That all subsidies and pension plans which is not at all effective.
Last meeting of Napoleon with the farmers is connected with decedence of democracy. There is lots of overpriced of present scenario, " congratulations to the pigs on the low rations, the long working hours and the general absence of pampering." Pigs not only look like a men they become men. Idea of civilization is like that, they tried to civilized other people and while that they become savage.
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
This line is kind of reality of the current. The list of that some animals are too big. You stuck in the cycle of slave-free-slave because of power-hungry people. No matter how hard you fought for your freedom, you decision of choosing wrong leader throw back to your past slavery. Animal Farm was in our second year's syllabus unfortunately I didn't read it at that time. Now I can interpret it with various ideas and examples.
Thus, the "Animal Farm" constructed so many ideas in it. One can interpret in any way. Journey of Manor Farm to Animal Farm is too hard. You must have to become rebellious for fighting against dark side of society. Unity of people and good leaders can make #Animal_farm or #Utopia or #Ramrajay. All we need is to be aware about present scenario.
Thank you.💫✨